Feuerdorf (Fire Village) is a system gastronomy where instead of a table, guests get to book their own wooden hut, with a bbq in the middle. For thousands of years humans sat around the fire for many hours, eating, drinking, laughing and discussing. I joined the project early on and accompanied it from the first concept to until it started operating and beyond.

Visualising the concept
In the beginning there was just an idea. Hannes Strobl asked me if I could visualise a bunch of wooden huts standing by the Danube Canal, to get an official permission from the city to build the village in this public place and also for him to find supporters and investors. I found a young architect, who did a quick scribble - and this visualisation ended up the key visual for the whole time until the village was finally built and we could do a photo shoot.

The Logo
The logo resembles the silhouette a "fire hut". Along with the logo I created the brand manual with a folder structure for all visual assets, such ass photos, videos, graphics but also print files (this was before Canva).

The printed menus are white so that they can be read well in the sometimes dim light of the flames. For the advertisement and website I worked with black backgrounds so that the fiery orange-red, used as accent color can shine as bright as possible.

My work included
Art direction
Web design
Graphic design
Project Partners
Photography: Philipp Lipiarski
Website Programmierung: Thomas Zelinsky